
Oslove Passion Fruit Blonde has a story of its own:- when the terror attack struck Oslo with brute force on July 22, 2011, the unity and love the people of Oslo showed for each other and the city coined a completely new term; oslove. The term combines the two words Oslo and love. Since then the term Oslove describes and signifies the new spirit, unity and love for Oslo and each other. Oslove represents progressive values like tolerance, respect, mutual understanding and other positive human values.
As much as the the Oslove beer celebrates the LGBT community, the name, the concept behind the beer and the rainbow flag also celebrates all these mentioned values at large. Therefore Oslove is not just for the LGBT community, but also those who support this community’s values and the broader values this beer and the concept represents and celebrates. That is why we have made this beer a very light, refreshing passion fruit blonde – the beer is appeals to all who can relate to and agree with these values.
Having been given the honour of distributing Oslo Brewing Co. products in the UK, we felt that we would like to keep the great idea going and we'll be donating 10 pence from every bottle that we sell to two amazing charities that carry out incredible work helping people to cope with some of the most difficult situations anyone could probably ever face.
At this early stage we aren't releasing the exact details of the charities that we intend to support, but suffice to say that one gives help and support to children and parents with life-limiting conditions and the other carries out similar work for those born with a condition that prevents them ever having the opportunities to live the lives that many of us take for granted.